News on ERPOA's battle against ECR Toll


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July 5, 2002: An audience with the Chief Minister and the story leading up to it.

June 22, 2002: A report in 'Dinakaran' on the agitation at Mamallapuram.

June 21, 2002: A crisis and a meeting with Mr. N Narendrakumar.

June 14, 2002: The ordeal of Sanaulla and villagers' support for him.

June 11, 2002: Kanathur Panchayat meets and enraged people react.

June 10, 2002: Can you afford this toll? If yes, set aside Rs.5 lakhs..

June 1, 2002: Gratian Govias's agony at Uthandi.

The CAG report on the legality of ECR Toll

May 29, 2002: Intimidation of an ECR resident

TNRDC wants to skin school-children