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Is TNRDC law abiding?
During the mid nineties of the last century residents along the ECR had occasion to be agitated. Their traditional road, which was not a state or national highway was sought to be transformed into a pseudo-modern highway. Resident citizens' action prevailed then, as it will now.
To fast forward that story [-the full version will appear later at this site] the Ministry of Environment and Forests of the Government of India directed the Govt. of Tamil Nadu to observe number of conditions while working on the road.
The relevant letter No. J-21012/33/92-IA.III of Feb 11, 1994 directed that "the road should have a 7.5 metre width", "the matured trees will not be felled while widening the road", "there shall be no displacement of persons for the purpose of road construction. If necessary the alignment of the road should be changed" plus several other conditions. Responding to this directive, the TN Govt -after some hesitation- finally accepted all the conditions vide letter (Ma) No 322 of April 8, 1994 from the Special Secretary, Thiru C. Nadakannu.
As promised all the documents will be published later. In the meantime...
**** By what empowerment has TNRDC cut the majestic old trees at Uthandi and transplanted some pathetic stumps far on the widened road?
**** By what empowerment has it widened the road at Uthandi to almost 70 metres?
**** What is its response to the order, as it seeks displacement of persons along the ECR when it says if you can't pay the toll, shift elsewhere?
Maybe TNRDC indeed has answers to shut up ERPOA. If so what are they?