What is ERPOA

The Environmental Angle


Members List

Contact ERPOA



What is ERPOA and who can join it?

ECR Residents and Property Owners Association or ERPOA was formed as a reaction to TNRDC's obdurate ways in the matter of exempting residents from paying a toll. ERPOA's mission is to have the ECR toll levied only on travelers between Chennai and Pondicherry. When that is achieved, residents and property owners along the ECR will regain their Constitution guaranteed right of reaching their homes and properties without having to pay a tax or a toll. Membership in ERPOA is therefore open to all residents and property owners along the ECR between Tiruvanmiyur and Pondicherry. In return they will get a membership sticker.

When ERPOA achieves its mission's goal, the ECR will be toll free to everyone except inter-city travelers. Therefore ERPOA's success is of interest to all citizens of Chennai who casually use the ECR to visit their relations and businesses along the ECR that seek patronage from the citizens of Chennai. They may join ERPOA as 'Friends of ERPOA' and support them. Association sticker will howebver, not be given to them.

What is required for membership and what does a member get?

A resident or a property owner anywhere between Tiruvanmiyur and Pondicherry can become a member of ERPOA by writing to it..

An ERPOA member recives a sticker for his 3/4 wheeler. To receive it he needs to send a letter the Secretary, ERPOA at the address in the "Contact ERPOA" section, with the declaration along these lines:

" I solemnly declare, I am a resident along the ECR at the address below and regularly use the ECR in the course of conducting my everyday life. I therefore subscribe to the mission of ERPOA and request the office bearers to inform the toll point at ----- not to demand toll when my vehicle[s] is/are halted there. The registration details of the vehicle[s] are as follows:





Tel No:
eMail Address

On receipt of your letter, ERPOA will inform in writing, the toll point at Uthandi or Pondicherry [your choice] requesting them to exempt you from paying the toll. When asked for the toll, politely but firmly insist that the toll is unjust. Thereafter you are on your own. The legal position of the mandate by which the TNRDC demands toll [-in return for nothing of advantage for residents] is vague and you need to exercise your own discretion and judgment.

What about costs?

Membership in ERPOA is free. This is a fight for principles. Of course, there are costs involved. The Office Bearers and Committee Members have decided to bear these expenses. The expenses will be published in the "What's New" section. Interested members can then call the treasurer and discuss contributions.